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Aplicações do Traditionis Custodes no


No(a) Uganda, 15 dioceses responderam ao Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes. Veja aqui um sumário de como elas responderam...

🔴 4

🟡 1

🟢 10

suspenderam todas as missas tridentina
suspendaram algumas missas tridentina
não suspederam nenhum missa tridentina
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Reporte atualizado em:
🟢 Kampala
Bispo: Paul Ssemwogerere

Fr Christophe Nouveau, who celebrates the Tridentine Mass at Lubaga Cathedral is optimistic the Old Latin Mass will be allowed to continue. "I am aware of the guidelines the Holy Father has issued. I am happy he has not banned the Tridentine Mass. He has just imposed some new restrictions to safeguard the unity of Mother Church, which is the desire of all of us. I will meet the Apostolic Administrator of Kampala Archdiocese, Bishop Paul Ssemwogerere and get his advice. But I am sure this is not the end of the Tridentine Mass because the Pope didn’t suspend it.

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